
Huygens Remote Manager - Help: Final Step - Create Job

This page summarizes the selections you made, lets you select the output file format and allows you to start the job.

Output file format

  1. 8 bit TIFF (Tagged Image File Format): the color depth is converted to 8 bit before saving. For time series and volume images multiple files with the same name followed by a numerical index are saved.
  2. 16 bit TIFF (Tagged Image File Format): the color depth is converted to 16 bit before saving. For time series and volume images multiple files with the same name followed by a numerical index are saved.
  3. IMS classic (Imaris classic): the color depth is converted to 8 bit before saving. The IMS classis format stores any tipe of geometry in one file.
  4. (default) ICS (Image Cytometry Standard): full precision, no conversion is performed before saving. Two files are written for all possible geometries, one containing the pixel data (.ids), the other containing the associated metadata (.ics).
  5. OME-XML (see OMEfileFormat)

Parameter settings

Review the parameter settings. If you want to change them before creating the job use the link "parameter setting". The link takes you back the "Parameter Setting Selection" page, where you can select another setting or edit the current setting.

Task settings

Review the task settings. If you want to change them before creating the job use the link "task setting". The link takes you back the "Task Setting Selection" page, where you can select another setting or edit the current setting.

Selected images

The images that will be processed are listed. If you want to change the selection use the link "selected images". The link takes you back to the "Select images" page.

Create job

After you checked the parameters you can create the jobs by pressing the pink forward button.
You can check the progress of the processing of your jobs by clicking at the "queue" link at the top of the page.

You will receive an email whenever one of your jobs is finished. The result images are written into your output area on the file server.