
Huygens Remote Manager - Help : Parameter Settings - Step 1: Image Format

In this page, you have to specify the format (like tiff or ims) and the geometry (like 2d, volume or time series) of the images you want to process and whether you want to use a theoretical or measured PSF.

For a more detailed help and description of the parameters, see the following help pages.

File Formats: this page refers to the I/O support of the Huygens software. The Huygens Remote Manager uses Huygens to read and write files, therefore the listed files are by extension supported by HRM.

Image Geometry

Number Of Channels

Point Spread Function: here, the user has to choose whether he wants to use a Theoretical Psf or a Experimental Psf for deconvolution. Please follow the Point Spread Function link to have a general introduction on what a PSF is.