
Huygens Remote Manager - File manager

The file manager allows the uploading of raw data files and the downloading of deconvolved data files to and from the file server. Multiple-file upload and download is possible. Moreover, compressed files can be uploaded: the HRM will take care of unpacking the archives maintaining the directory structure contained in the archive.

The navigation bar allows to switch from the "Originals" view, where the raw data files are listed, to the "Results" view, where the deconvolved data files are shown.

Clicking on a file in the image list will show a preview. If the preview does not yet exist, one can easily be generated on the fly (please mind that preview generation from the web interface must be activated in the HRM configuration file). In the results mode, an "Expanded view" link will show a comparison between the raw and the deconvolved datasets: various visualization modes are possible, e.g. AVI movies for time series and along the z axis for 3D datasets, and SFP renderings instead of MIPs. All options are configurable.

Original files

The files stored in the source directory on the file server are listed here. New files can be uploaded and existing files can be deleted. Multiple files (also archived) can be uploaded. Clicking on a file name in the list will show a preview.

Result files

The restored files stored in the destination directory on the file server are listed here. One of more files (use CTRL- or SHIFT-click for multiple selections) can be downloaded and existing files can be deleted. Clicking on a file name in the list will show a preview and a link over the preview itself will reveal an extended comparison between raw and restored data.