
Sand Box

heading 1

heading 2

heading 3


Character Styles

strike trough
mono spaced


  • bulleted list
    • sub item
  1. enumerated list
    1. sub item


Text box

Code box

Hello world in C
#include int main(void) { printf("Hello world\n"); return 0; }

Hello world in Tcl
puts "Hello world"


{IMG (id=1, thumb=y, rel=box, width=300, styledesc=left, title="Image Title")}{IMG}Caption here.


Feature Huygens Professional Huygens Essential
Deconvolution Wizard Image Image
Tcl Shell Image Image

Random Content

Nyquist Rate

The Nyquist criterion determines the minimal Sampling Density needed to capture ALL information from the microscope into the image...Read more...

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The Huygens Chromatic Shift Corrector. The Huygens Chromatic Shift Corrector. The Huygens Chromatic Shift Corrector.

Please register to download a free trial version.

Part of the functionality in Huygens Software can be used as freeware:

The components of the HuygensSuite (like HuygensEssential ) have many free tools when used without a LicenseString . You can use them for example to read and convert between many FileFormats, (as ICS or Tiff files), or to view 3D stacks with the TwinSlicer . Some of the freeware tools are:
  • Image read/write in many FileFormats (a few special ones require a license)
  • 4D IntelligentCropper
  • VolumeVisualization : TwinSlicer and SfpRenderer .
  • MultiChannel joining
  • Convert between different space and time dimensionalities
  • Invert the image
  • Mirror the image

Image mcrp.ics